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The Reunion Page 13

  “You bet.” Sarah licked her lips and widened her thighs in anticipation. She didn’t have long to wait.

  “Ah...son of a bitch,” Adam howled, sliding out of Maria. His hand worked rapidly over the length of his shaft. Within seconds, he spewed over Maria’s pussy and then he turned and emptied the rest of himself onto Sarah.

  “That’s fantastic,” Sarah breathed. “Hot. Sticky. Such incredible power.”

  “Holy shit,” Maria screamed, “I’m coming.”

  Sarah’s fascination with Adam’s eruption had caused her to lose track of Maria, who she now could see was furiously fingering herself. Her legs flailed and then quieted.

  Maria smiled faintly. She scraped fingers across her belly and lifted them to Sarah’s mouth.

  Sarah eagerly licked Adam’s come from Maria’s fingers. Then she dipped her fingers in the whiteness he’d spent on her belly and offered them to Maria, who just as eagerly sucked them into her mouth.

  “Lovely,” Maria murmured. “Absolutely lovely.”

  “Aren’t you forgetting something,” Adam admonished, holding his softening cock with come still oozing out.

  “Oh my.” Maria scurried to clean him and Sarah followed. Both women giggled when their task was finished. The giggles overtook them and they flopped back on the bed, hugging each other.

  Sarah felt a weight shift on the bed. Dumbfounded, she gawked at Adam as he picked his robe up off the floor.

  “Sleep soundly,” he muttered, and left as quietly as he’d entered.

  She could hardly see through the tears. Maria kissed them away. “Don’t cry, Pepper. What we just shared was splendid—precious, really.”

  “I know. God, do I know,” she sobbed. “But Adam doesn’t. He’s not even spending the night with us.”

  “This was a huge first step. He wants to pleasure us and himself. But he’s still entangled in emotions. We can’t expect him to work that through quickly just because he enjoys making love with us.”

  “No. I suppose you’re right.” Sarah furrowed her brow. “He probably doesn’t even think of it as lovemaking—just good old fashioned sex.”

  “Maybe his brain doesn’t.” Maria flicked her tongue, grazing Sarah’s nose. “His body knows it was well loved. I trust at some point Adam will listen to his body. Damn, it was good to feel his cock stretching me again.”

  “Delicious.” Sarah pushed her sadness aside to revel in the memory of her first real threesome. “And that was some white waterfall he spilled on us. It must have been a while since he’d come.”

  “You did look a bit awestruck by that.” Maria tapped at Sarah’s nipple. “That reminds me, we probably should do a little more cleaning up. I’m still sticky. You want a wash cloth?”

  Sarah didn’t miss the gleam in Maria’s eyes. “No. Your tongue is more to my liking. Why don’t you clean me while I clean you?”

  “An excellent idea.” Maria moved to cradle Sarah’s loins.

  Sarah shivered at the first sensation of Maria’s tongue swirling around her belly button. It was a fantastic night, and it wasn’t about to end anytime soon.

  - o -

  The next morning, Adam purposely made sure he arrived on the deck before the women. He’d had a great time with them last night, but he’d never tell them that. He’d nearly come watching the two of them playing with themselves. Then when they’d licked and sucked him, his toes had curled into the carpet trying to keep his balance. Sarah had nearly torpedoed Maria’s plan by wrapping her legs around him, but he’d managed to hold off. Then when he had come—Jesus. He shook his head. He could still feel it. He thought he’d blown the head of his cock off. He’d considered himself an expert at prolonging his own pleasure for that of a woman—at least until last night.

  He sipped his coffee. He needed his caffeine fix to kick in so he’d be ready for the morning’s confrontation. What would the two women expect now that he’d reclaimed his bed? Well, at least for sex. He wasn’t about to stay the night. That might send signals he had no intention of sending.

  Maria stepped onto the deck first, followed closely by Sarah. They sat in what now had become their accustomed deck chairs—Maria next to him and Sarah across from them. Maria smiled brilliantly, displaying her straight white teeth. Sarah’s welcome was more subdued. She looked like she wanted to grin but wasn’t sure she should. She wore white shorts, the outline of her pussy faintly visible through the thin fabric. He breathed sharply. There was something to be said for slight cover-ups. Both women had looked sexy as hell last night with their nipples pebbling behind satin.

  “I trust you two got some sleep last night?”

  Sarah nodded but said nothing.

  “We did,” Maria said, “but you did leave us with a fair amount of clean up work.”

  “I’m sure you were creative about cleaning up.” Maybe he should have stopped by the anteroom to watch, but he’d been so sated there hadn’t seemed any purpose to that.

  “You know we pride ourselves on our creativity.” Maria flicked her tongue at him suggestively. “If you keep coming back, we may share more of it with you.”

  “Oh, I’ll be coming back all right. I may have a creative spark to add here and there.” He smirked at Maria. “You are nothing if not inventive sexually.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed us,” Sarah chimed in softly.

  “I never doubted I would.” He smiled when she gave him a puzzled look. “But there’s much more to this than a night of enjoyable sex. Don’t you think?”

  Sarah frowned. “I don’t know what to think any more.”

  “Good. That may be progress. So do you have more girls scheduled for pictures today?”

  Relief registered on Sarah’s face. Clearly, she thought her photo shoots were a safer topic than their shared sex life.

  “Yes, Pam Holiday will be back for a second shoot. She’s seeing me at ten and you at eleven. I gather she has some very specific financial questions to ask. Then I see a new girl at eleven.”

  “Specific questions will be a welcome change,” Adam scoffed. “It’s frightening how many of these women have never tried to balance their checkbooks. They just accept what the bank tells them. And how many have never given a moment’s thought to investments. Sometimes I wonder what they have between their ears.”

  “Most men only want to know what they have between their legs,” Maria huffed. “You’re right, some know absolutely nothing about finances. But it might surprise you how many are studying the stock market sheets when they’re waiting between takes. Some graduated college with honors.”

  “I’ve really been surprised by that,” Sarah joined in. “The women don’t seem to fit a single mold at all—other than maybe being beautiful and being willing to show off their bodies.”

  “Do advertising execs fit a single mode?” Maria queried.

  Sarah shook her head without answering.

  “How about financial planners?”

  “You know they don’t, Maria.” Adam rose and drained his cup. “I think we get your point. No stereotypes. Too bad the rest of the world doesn’t understand that. But anyway…” He turned his attention to Sarah. “I’ll be in my office if you need me. Maybe Pam Holiday will surprise me.”

  “You do like surprises,” Maria teased.

  “Almost always,” Adam said, disappearing into the kitchen.

  - o -

  “He seems chipper this morning,” Sarah said, eyeing Maria curiously after Adam slid the patio door shut.

  Maria gave a Cheshire cat grin. “A well fucked man is a happy man.”

  “Well said. Do you think that observation is universally true?”

  “I hope so. Of course I know a well fucked woman is a happy woman.”

  “At least some of them.”

  “You seem skeptical this morning, Sarah. Is there something bothering you?”

  Sarah shrugged her shoulders trying to shake the chill that threatened to make her shiver. “I’m not sure. Last night went too
smoothly. It was too easy. I can’t help but suspect Adam is up to something.”

  “Could be. Knowing Adam, he’s quite capable of concocting his own surprises for us.”

  “But will we enjoy his surprises?”

  Maria stretched and yawned. “Some more than others, I suppose. But you know he won’t hurt you.”

  “I know,” Sarah murmured, feeling suddenly cold, “but sometimes I forget.”

  Sarah maintained a steady hold on her camera as the new girl, Alicia James, gyrated through what was supposed to be a sexy dance routine. The girl could hardly be out of her teens, and she was marketing her youthfulness by wearing a skimpy cheerleader outfit.

  Trying to keep up with the girl’s movements, Sarah wondered if Alicia had ever been a cheerleader. She moved well enough for a slightly plump young woman. How had she ever gotten into the industry? Why? There were so many questions she wanted to ask the women parading before her camera, but for the most part she respected their privacy and waited for them to impart information if they chose to.

  “That’s enough movement pictures for now,” Sarah said, setting her camera on the table. “Why don’t we try some still shots?”

  “That’s fine.” Alicia blushed. “I was tiring a bit. Do you want me to take this sweater off?”

  “Not yet. Why don’t we use my desk as a prop? Lean against it and hike up your skirt so we can see those light blue panties. That’s good. Slip your fingers in your panties. No, not that far. Tease. We want to tease a little.”

  “Okay. Sorry. Now can I take my sweater off?” Alicia looked pained as if Sarah was taking far too much time doing her job.

  “Slowly. Lift it over your breasts and stop. Nice.” She snapped a couple shots. “Go ahead. Tweak your nipples.”

  “Thanks.” The girl smiled broadly.

  “Go ahead and pull it over your head.” Sarah continued clicking. “Fluff your hair some. Excellent. That brings your breasts up quite nicely. Climb out of the skirt if you want. Slow. Stay slow. Pretend you’re seducing me. That’s right. No rush. Very good.”

  Sarah looked around at the other props and kept eyeing Alicia trying to come up with poses that would best show off her considerable assets. “How about standing at the end of the cot? Try putting one foot on it. Yes, that’ll do.”

  “Now the panties?” Alicia smiled, tugging them downward, teasing the photographer.

  Sarah gulped. The girl might be young, but she was good. “Yes, panties, please.” She hoped that sounded professional enough.

  Alicia gave her a knowing smile and wiggled her panties down her thighs while the camera clicked. “Here I am,” she said, letting her hands rest at the top of her thighs, subtly framing her nether region.

  “Hold that position. Excellent!” Sarah knelt, altering the angles of her shot. “Have you been doing this long? You’re superb at posing.”

  Alicia shrugged. “I’ve been modeling since I was ten. Girls’ clothes, you know. I did a few commercials as a teen, a little more modeling when I was in college. That’s where I met Ben, who introduced me to some exotic dancers.”

  “And you decided to be a dancer?”

  “More money than I could make waiting tables.” Alicia volunteered a coy smile. “And I like guys and women admiring my body. That’s a real turn on. I need to have some more graphic shots in my portfolio. Is that okay with you?”

  “Of course. You can pose however you want. I’m just providing the opportunity for you to expand your portfolio without spending an arm and a leg.”

  “I do appreciate that,” Alicia said, parting her pussy lips slightly. She grinned at the camera.

  “You do the feigned innocent look particularly well.”

  “Thanks. I practice often in front of a mirror.”


  “Of course. Can I borrow the dildo there?”

  “Certainly, it’s clean.” Sarah added film to her camera and returned to her subject who by then was wetting the dildo in her mouth. Clicking the shutter button rapidly, Sarah tried to stay focused on picture taking and not on her own physical responses. The damn girl was young enough to be her daughter.

  “Do you like what you see, Sarah Atkinson?” Alicia brought the tip of the dildo to an elongated nipple.

  “You’re a very beautiful girl, Alicia.”

  “Not too fat?”

  “You’re hardly fat.”

  “Nor am I skinny. Did you know some viewers prefer their women with a bit more flesh?”

  “I hadn’t thought about it. But I’m sure some do.” Sarah knelt to get a close up of the dildo entering Alicia’s pussy. She chewed on her tongue, not wanting to make a sound and spoil the moment. Had Alicia gone into her own world and left her photographer behind?

  Ecstasy flashed across the girls features. Her soft whimpers made Sarah’s fingers shake.

  “That was good,” Alicia said, a couple moments later. “I hope you got my face as well as my pussy. I believe a woman’s face tells as much about the moment of orgasm as any thing else, don’t you, Sarah?

  “Yes.” She fought to control her stammer. “I do believe you’re right. But don’t try to seduce me, Alicia. Pretending is one thing to help you pose, but I’m off limits.”

  “Too bad.” Alicia pouted and then grinned. “But at least pretending to seduce you is helping me a lot. I learned long ago to put myself in the middle of the fantasy I was trying to portray—whether that was a kid having a blast at the beach modeling swimwear, or a secretary in an adult movie seducing her boss.”

  “Do what you have to do to be real for the camera. Just be clear I’m off limits.”

  “You mean you’re not affected by me?” Alicia flicked her tongue between her lips and lifted a breast to her mouth. She had no difficulty twirling her tongue around a nipple.

  “I didn’t say that.” Sarah softened her tone. “What I’m saying is I’m in control of my body and you won’t be having it.”

  “My loss, I’m sure. That’s okay, Ms. Atkinson, but it is a huge turn on watching you exercise all that control. I must be pretty good if you have to go to all that effort not to step over here and sample me.” Alicia pouted. “Too bad. Maybe you get off by watching.” Without further announcement, Alicia moved the dildo to her anus, smiled at the camera and pushed the object inward.

  Sarah emitted a gasp she hoped wasn’t audible and continued clicking the camera. Alicia was one hot chick. Sarah fought hard to remember Adam’s admonition against her having other women.

  She frowned. But he’d been talking about thirds. She shook her head and refocused the camera on Alicia’s gyrating buttocks. Adam no doubt had intended to mean no other women than Maria—period. Anyway, Alicia was too young.

  But damn, the young woman didn’t lack experience. The dildo was in deep. Alicia smiled at the camera again and surfed her fingers across her clit. “Oh,” she muttered. Her mouth formed a perfect inviting O that Sarah did not miss. Alicia delighted in playing the temptress. She had a future in the business.

  At last, the girl pulled the dildo out. “That should do it, don’t you think?”

  Sarah nodded. Thankfully, she had on a long skirt and Alicia could not see the juices slithering down her inner thigh.

  Alicia stuffed the cheerleader outfit into a duffle and put on the tank top and ripped shorts she’d shown up wearing. She looked like so many young women who cruised the local mall. “You don’t think I’m depraved or weird do you?”

  “Of course not. Why would you think that?”

  “And you don’t think I’m only good for sex?”

  “No.” Sarah frowned at the girl. “Is that why you tried so hard to seduce me? That I would only see you as a sex object?”

  Alicia shrugged her shoulders. “Most do. Guys and girls.”

  “You are an attractive young woman, Alicia. I won’t deny you are sexually tempting. But I like to think I can appreciate the feminine body without necessarily wanting to hump it.”

�Guess that could be a problem, given your profession.” Alicia smiled and then sobered. “My mom thinks I’m sick because I aspire to be the best woman in the adult industry.”

  “I’m sorry.” Sarah tilted her head to the side. “Though I imagine many parents wouldn’t understand.”

  “But you would.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t have children. How old is your mother?”


  “Ah.” Sarah chose her words carefully. “I hope if I were a mother I’d support my daughter in whatever line of work she chose—and that I’d encourage her to be the best she could be.”

  Tears filled Alicia’s eyes. Without any sexual nuance, Sarah stepped forward and hugged the young woman, who in turn wept quietly. Alicia shook her head from side to side and backed away. “Thank you,” she muttered. “You’ve been a big help. I hope I didn’t offend you earlier.”

  “You didn’t.” Sarah felt herself blush. “You flattered me.”

  “You’re pretty hot looking, yourself, and I bet you’re a firecracker in bed. It would’ve been fun.” Alicia hugged herself. “But I know you’re off limits.” She looked very thoughtful. “I wish my mother was so understanding.”

  “Alicia, do you think there are other young women like you in the industry trying to find ways to help their families and others understand why they do what they do?”

  “Sure. Some of us talk about it a lot. Generally though, we just sit around and bitch about our fucked up families. Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious. Maria told you about how Adam is willing to work with some of you on financial issues.”

  “Yes, I’m going to see him next week. One thing my parents did drum into me was that it’s never too early to start saving. But I’m not very good at it.”

  “I’m sure Adam will have some helpful suggestions. Maybe you and I can talk some more when you come by to look at your photos.”