The Reunion Read online

  A dark and brooding bad boy, his petite Latina lover,

  and his unattainable former highschool crush ~

  a sizzling, combustible threesome.

  - o -

  Dark and brooding, Adam Granger was always the bad boy out of reach—but now he’s in Sarah Atkinson’s bed, the morning after their twentieth high school reunion. When Adam beats a retreat to his Pacific Palisades estate, former good girl Sarah throws caution to the wind and pursues him.

  Petite copper-skinned Maria Ramirez greets Sarah at Adam’s front door. The former exotic dancer doesn’t challenge Sarah’s assumption she’s the maid—how long will it take the dark-haired beauty to figure out Maria is Adam’s live-in lover? Better yet, how long before Maria can entice her into their bed?

  Determined not to rock his hard-won lifestyle, Adam resolves to push Sarah past her sexual limits so she’ll leave. When she stays, he watches helplessly as the two women fall in love with each other. Will they shut him out? And, if they let him in, what must he sacrifice?

  Readers and Reviewers are already talking about The Reunion:

  Five Stars, Top Pick at Night Owl Reviews

  "The Reunion" by Adriana Kraft is a polyamory novel with real edgy characters with inclusive sexuality…not a read for the faint of heart. A very easy flowing smooth read. All the characters are well developed and so colorful. Once you start reading you will be hard put to stop until you are at the end. If you enjoy HOT erotic romance... you must pick up this well written novel to see how these authors (husband and wife team) will bring it all out for the readers. ~ ArlenaDean

  From a reader:

  I LOVED this book. I loved that Sarah went after Adam and twisted his life around. She bested him time after time. I also liked that Adam the Alpha did not have all the answers. I liked his insecurities and flaws, his fears, and that he had to be shown and told that he was lovable. I also liked the emphasis placed on Sarah and Maria's relationship. I liked their bonding and that there was more between them than sex and Adam. That Sarah and Maria had sex and fell in love and caused Adam to worry that they would discover they did not need him was brilliant. It showed that the f/f part was as important as the ménage part of their relationship. So often the f/f part is not explored, is downplayed, or neglected. This was perfect. Sheila G

  From a Reader:

  Loved it!!! …While the sex scenes between Maria and Sarah are hot and steamy I liked the fact that you captured how much love they had for one another. And the way they both play Adam was magnificent. Amy B.

  The Reunion


  Adriana Kraft

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The Reunion


  Adriana Kraft

  ISBN: 978-0-9894693-1-9

  Copyright © 2013 by Adriana Kraft

  B&B Publishing

  1970 N. Leslie St. #560

  Pahrump, NV 89060

  Cover by

  Dawné Dominique

  DusktilDawn Designs

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Chapter One

  Cranking one eye open, Sarah Atkinson confirmed the obvious. There was a man in her bed. She hadn’t seen one of them naked in years.

  She carefully memorized his rippling muscles rising and falling gently in sleep. The dark-haired hunk wasn’t just any man. He was Adam Granger!

  Absently, Sarah threaded fingers through her moist pussy curls. Her loins ached from overuse. Recalling the late night and early morning ravishment still sent tingles racing throughout her body.

  He’d taken her. Make no mistake about that. They hadn’t made love. They’d had wild, abandoned sex. He’d taken her. Not against her will. Hardly!

  Sarah flung an arm across her brow. But why now? Why after twenty years?

  The reunion...the Bumper High School twenty-year reunion. Bumper, Iowa. How she’d hated that town. She’d wanted more excitement, more challenge, more of everything. She’d never ventured back for a reunion. Apparently, Adam hadn’t either. But this time, maybe because it was the twentieth, maybe because of curiosity, maybe because of something ephemeral, she’d come from Chicago and he from Los Angeles.

  Twenty years ago they’d seldom acknowledged each other’s existence. That didn’t mean she wasn’t aware of his presence and the pull it had on her—and apparently, on many other girls. She’d dreamed of him—literally—of him caressing her breasts, of his cock filling her mouth, of his fingers working to bring her off. Undoubtedly, he’d never imagined her capable of such carnal thoughts. There was more about her that might’ve surprised him then—Sarah smirked—and even now.

  The chasm between the two of them had to do with small town social class. He simply wasn’t part of her crowd. She was the daughter of the owners of the local drugstore and gift shop, which meant she had a favorable social standing. He was the son of short-order cook at a café. No one seemed to know who his father was. He was a loner, preferring his motorcycle and biker chicks to cheerleaders.

  He wasn’t dumb. As classmates, the two of them had been assigned group papers a few times. She never had to carry his load like she had done for so many others.

  He’d never asked her to dance during those high school years. But last night was different. They’d both stood on the sidelines in the hotel ballroom decorated with photos from their senior year. Life had gone on without them in sleepy Bumper, Iowa. Old chums were friendly enough, but they were set in ways that no longer included outsiders as equals. To some, she and Adam were novelties. To others, they were traitors who had turned their backs on their roots when they’d fled small town USA to reshape themselves in the big cities.

  Largely ignored by the crowd, the two of them had shared glasses of punch and conversation. Adam was outwardly as aloof and confident as ever. In his youth, there had been a brash cockiness about him. He’d matured into a dangerously arrogant looking man, obviously accustomed to getting what he wanted.

  As the reunion celebration wore on, their dancing became more comfortable, more sensuous. Adam’s thick arousal searing her crotch through their clothing made it evident he now wanted Sarah Atkinson. For years she’d waited for that moment. She was no longer the head cheerleader and valedictorian—untouchable for the likes of Adam Granger. She was simply a woman he wanted.

  And she’d wanted him—last night, and years ago. She used to sneak behind the gymnasium bleachers to watch him wrestle opponents. Wrestling was his one extracurricular high school activity, and he seldom lost. His straining, well-honed muscles had mesmerized her. She’d creamed her panties more than once imagining what his body could do to hers if she’d been the one pinned beneath him.

  Maybe she should have been bolder back in those days. But she wasn’t. If they were to cross the line that separated them, he would’ve had to take that initial step. For whatever reason, he hadn’t. So he’d missed out on some of the carnal arts she’d been honing with other boys. She’d believed at the time that was his loss.

  Sarah glanced at Adam lying beside her, stretched, and smiled. Now she knew it was her loss, too.

  They never had finished the fourth dance. He’d pulled her up from her chair and escorted her to the darkest corner of the ballroom. She’d clung to him, swaying to a tune she’d forgotten. One of his hands clutched her butt, grinding her against his hard erection. The other hand covered a breas
t. His thumb toyed with her nipple. She’d pouted up at him, asking for more. His questioning gaze had locked on her. She’d answered by sliding her hand between them to squeeze his cock.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here,” he said, gruffly. “Before I fuck you right here on the dance floor.”

  “I may be too old for hardwood floors.” She stood on her tiptoes and grazed his lips. “Why don’t we go to my room? It’s on the first floor.”

  “That’ll work.”

  He’d grabbed her hand and nearly dragged her out of the ballroom. By the time they hit the exit, she was running to keep up with his lengthening strides. They dashed down the hallway to her room. She’d fumbled with the key card. On the third try the damn light turned green and the door opened.

  From there events had become a blur. She soon discovered Adam Granger wasn’t into finesse—not that she needed finesse after all those years of waiting. She’d risen to kiss him softly. His lips crashed against her. It was a long, demanding kiss. His tongue soon found hers and their tongues battled, leaving both partners panting.

  Their hands weren’t idle. She worked on his belt buckle and he had trouble with the tiny buttons of her blouse.

  “Shit,” he muttered. He leaned away and yanked her blouse open. Buttons flew across the carpet. Her bra suffered a similar fate until his dark eyes feasted on her aching breasts. She hadn’t bothered keeping track of the bra. Then he’d swallowed as much of a breast into his hot mouth as he could manage.

  She’d taken advantage of that reprieve to unzip her skirt in an effort to save it from the rag pile. She tugged his pants down and dipped into his boxers to free his cock. God, how many times had she imagined doing that?

  He’d taken a step backward. Her breath caught at the sight of his frank, foreboding appraisal. “I’ve wanted you forever,” he declared, his voice laced with longing and his eyes filled with adoration.

  She didn’t want him to place her on a pedestal again, so she’d stepped backwards toward the bed and cupped her breasts as an added enticement. “Take me now. Why wait any longer?”

  Had her provocations unleashed the beast within him? He’d actually growled. He deliberately reached for her panties and ripped them apart while gauging her reaction. She never flinched. He’d driven a finger into her cleft as she stood there trying not to beg. She was so wet and ready he could’ve done most anything to her.

  Impaled on his finger, she’d struggled for breath and focus. She was stark naked and he was still dressed. Turn about had to be fair play. She didn’t even try to unbutton his shirt. She grabbed it with both hands and jerked. His buttons joined hers on the floor.

  “You like it rough, do you?” His finger probed deep and deeper still. It curled, grazing her G-spot.

  She gasped, but did not squeal. “I like it any way.”

  He’d kicked his pants aside, withdrawn his finger from her channel and tossed her none too gently onto the bed.

  Thank God he’d recovered his senses long enough to search the folds of his wallet, where he came up with a condom. He ripped the packet open and put it on.

  Quickly, he covered her. His cock had no trouble finding its temporary home. He entered with one solid push. She’d curled her legs to surround his butt. There was no starting or stopping—nothing but old fashioned fucking.

  Her response was immediate. How long had it been since she’d come? It didn’t matter. She was on the verge, and she wouldn’t be denied this time—Adam Granger saw to that. “Harder,” she’d screamed. “I’m coming. Don’t stop.”

  The orgasm crashed against her inner walls. She’d wanted to lie back and savor it. Adam didn’t allow that.

  Instead, he easily flipped her so she was on her hands and knees. He rammed into her from behind as if his momentary withdrawal had taken a lifetime.

  That time she was determined not to come alone. It was a battle of wills. She chewed on her lower lip, receiving his blows, pacing her next orgasm. When it neared, she reached beneath them and fondled his balls.

  “Jesus,” he yelped.

  Gotcha. She smiled broadly, slamming back against him. She felt him spasm. He slapped her butt with his palm and she shuddered. “Come with me,” he growled, reaching for her clit. His fingers were like sandpaper.

  “Holy shit,” she cried. “Again? Stay with my clit.” His hips churned an incessant cadence.

  She coiled under his assault. She uncoiled and embraced the largest orgasm she’d experienced in years. She stayed with it, not wanting to miss a single twitch or buzz. It was joyous, delicious, exhilarating. And he was waiting for her when she returned from her climactic journey.

  They’d had sex several other ways into the wee hours of the morning. She’d been on top, sideways, just about every way but standing on her head. To think that until last night, she’d begun to believe she was getting too old for sex.

  At least that fear had been put to rest. She’d never had better, more mind shattering sex than she’d just enjoyed at the ripe old age of thirty-eight. Would either one of them have believed that was possible twenty years ago?

  But now what? The dreaded morning after!

  Beyond mutual sexual encouragements, they’d hardly spoken since entering her room last night. Their wanton lust made conversation superfluous. Their joining had simply been flesh on flesh, a lot of heavy breathing, and mutual exhaustion.

  Now that it was behind them, would they be afraid to talk to each other?

  She was. What did they have in common, other than extremely healthy sexual appetites? She considered combing her fingers through his wavy dark hair.

  But before she could decide, Adam’s eyes slowly opened and then sprang wide. Had he just remembered where he was and what they’d shared? He glanced at the clock. “Christ, I’ve got a plane to catch.” He scrambled from the bed and lumbered for the bathroom.

  “And a howdy, good morning to you, too,” Sarah said, to the closing bathroom door. If he heard her, he gave no indication. She pulled the sheet up to her neck.

  Adam quickly returned to the bedroom looking slightly worn. Sarah marveled at his long cock dangling between his legs and warmed with pride knowing she’d been able to manage a man his size.

  But her lover wasn’t coming back to bed. Adam reached for his clothes.

  Without embarrassment, Sarah threw back the sheet, exposing her nakedness. He eyed her with suspicion. His hardening cock thrilled her.

  She held his stare, scrambled off the bed and knelt in front of him. Eagerly, she worked his penis with both hands until it was fully aroused. She beamed Adam a smile; he gave her a baleful look but made no move to dislodge her. She rubbed his cock’s soft crown under her thumb and smiled when it twitched. Quickly, she popped him into her mouth. Adam’s low moans made her smile. She took him all the way in until her lips touched the hairs at the base of his shaft.

  It was good having a cock in her mouth again. She bobbed up and down his length, varying her sucking motion according to his reaction. How long had it been—three years? Maybe longer.

  She hefted and fondled his balls gently. Giving head was a skill she’d perfected in high school and college. That art form had allowed her to protect her virginity while joyfully pursuing her sexual curiosity.

  And she’d wanted to wrap her lips around this particular cock since she was sixteen.

  She cupped his butt and encouraged a fucking motion. He complied. She clutched him tight with her hands and with her mouth. His corded thigh muscles tensed, forecasting his approaching climax. He pulled out of her mouth. She grabbed onto his cock. “No,” she said, “I want to do you this way.” She winked at him before covering him again. “I’ve fantasized about swallowing you whole for twenty-two years. I won’t be denied now.”

  His features were stony, unreadable really, but he didn’t resist when she took him back in her mouth and resumed her work. Instead he clutched her head and began finger fucking her ears.

  She tried to ignore the juices pooling
behind her pussy. She used her tongue as a funnel and milked Adam’s cock until he spread his legs farther apart and began spurting seed. She clung to his ass cheeks and swallowed, keeping pace with him.

  At last she leaned back and smacked her lips. She kissed the last drop of come from his cock and looked up into Adam’s quizzical face. “Just think. I would’ve done that for you years ago if you had ever asked me out. I would’ve done it if you had even given me a ride to school. But I know, to you I never existed back then. Not until last night. You won’t forget me now, will you?”

  Adam shook his head, his dark hair curled over his collar. “Impossible.”

  “Good. Give me a minute. I’ve got to freshen up,” she said, rising to her feet and heading for the bathroom.

  When she returned to the bedroom, Adam Granger was gone.

  - o -

  He’d always known he was a bastard. He just never knew how much of a bastard until the last twenty-four hours. Adam Granger leaned his seat back on the jumbo jet headed for LAX and mentally whipped himself.

  Sarah Atkinson. She was as stunning—more stunning—than he’d even imagined. And, oh yeah, he knew she existed. She’d always existed. Just out of his reach.

  He could still recall trying not to appear too obvious staring at her light blue panties when she did back flips. He’d spent hours obsessing about what lay under those panties and the bulky cheerleader sweater with the large B highlighting her cleavage. How many times had he jerked off imagining her body squirming beneath his?

  Jesus. Even in her late thirties, she made his mouth water. And she had passion. He hadn’t counted on that. He’d been with many women over the years. Passion was much more important than technique. Truth be known, passion was a rarity.