The Reunion Read online

Page 17

  But what about Maria? She had to have stood out even more than he did in Bumper. He was a known commodity, and she wasn’t. Yet she seemed to roll with the punches, and she hadn’t run out on the woman she loved.

  He knew. He had eyes. His heart even told him. Maria was in love with Sarah in ways he’d never begun to tap. Not that Maria hadn’t been willing to take their relationship to the next level—he was the one who’d thrown roadblocks up any time emotions became too heated.

  Did Sarah know? How would she respond to Maria’s overtures? Overtures of love, not sex. Adam raked his unruly hair roughly. He had no answer to that question. The Sarah Atkinson he thought he knew in high school would’ve run like hell. This Sarah Atkinson he could not fathom.

  He’d have to prepare for whatever. Wasn’t that his lot in life? He tried so hard to be in control, yet he had to prepare for whatever.

  Adam lurched to his feet and grabbed another beer. With beer in hand, he sidled toward the bathroom. He hadn’t seen a shower in days and he’d better get the kitchen cleaned up.

  His women were coming home and he didn’t have a damn clue what that might mean for him.

  Chapter Ten

  Adam sat in his favorite chair in his spacious living room feeling sorry for himself. Sarah and Maria had been back for nearly an hour. They hadn’t even come looking for him.

  He’d heard them come in and go upstairs. He hadn’t followed. The first move would be left up to them. When he played chess he always preferred black so he could counter his opponent’s scheme.

  Then he’d heard them padding down the stairs. They went to the kitchen. Glasses and ice rattled. He fought the urge to get up and charge into the kitchen.

  Shortly, somewhat to his surprise, he glanced toward the archway and saw his two impish women beaming at him.

  “Want some?” Maria asked, her eyes sparkling.

  He accepted the glass of lemonade she offered him. “Welcome back,” he said evenly, lifting his glass in salute. He eyed the women cautiously. Their smiles belied a tension in the air. Neither woman took a seat.

  “It’s good to be back,” Maria said.

  “What about you, Sarah? Are you pleased to be back?”

  Her smile was hesitant. “Yes. Yes, I am.”

  Fighting a slight annoyance at the women for wearing long dresses, Adam asked, “So how was your stay in Chicago?”

  “Fantastic!” Maria said. She sobered. “We have news, Adam.” Her tone had become hushed.

  “So tell me.” He braced himself for the inevitable.

  “Sarah’s put her condo on the market and is moving to California. Isn’t that exciting?”

  “Really.” He eyed Sarah. “So where do you plan on living?”

  “That depends,” Sarah answered.

  He gave her credit for keeping her gaze fixed on his. She didn’t look to Maria for help. “On what?”

  “On you.” She shrugged. She glanced at Maria. “And us.”

  “Adam.” Maria wet her lips. “Sarah and I are committed lovers. She’s moving in with me. As long as I am here, she will be too.”

  Adam arched his eyebrows, struggling to control his fury. “Where does that leave me? Oh, I guess I should say I’m happy for the two of you. But I’m still curious, where does that leave me?”

  “Don’t be sarcastic. Wherever you want to be.” Maria said, stiffly. “We prefer to have you as our partner, but we didn’t know if you’d want that.”

  “Why not?” he said, rising to his feet. “What’s different? I thought you were quite committed before we left for Iowa. So now you have a name for what you are. Isn’t that nice?”

  “So we can stay?” Sarah asked.

  “Of course. Why not? But things haven’t changed. You’re still available to me when I want you—both of you. One at a time or together, when I so desire.” He glanced at Maria, who nodded. He looked back at Sarah, who also nodded.

  “Any way I want you,” he said icily.

  Both women nodded.

  “There, you see?” He smirked. “Nothing has changed. Not really. I trust you are both commando?”

  Both women raised their skirts. Adam nodded his approval. “Very nice.” He pursed his lips, unable to contain his amusement. “So what will it be? I could have you both on all fours and alternate from pussy to pussy.”

  Neither woman blanched. They each awaited his instructions.

  “No. That sounds like a randy, overly eager young stud.” He stepped in front of Sarah and lifted her chin. She didn’t blink. “I will have to give this some extra thought. After all, this is your homecoming. I never was able to take you to a homecoming dance.” He chuckled. “I assume you blew the homecoming king more than once.”

  Her eyes widened and she nodded.

  “Damn, how could I have been so wrong about you back then?” He tugged on a nipple through her dress. A spark of anger flashed across her eyes, but she made no sound. “No matter, you’re here now. I’ll have to think up something extra special to make up for my loss.

  “And you.” He glared at Maria. “You will be my assistant, as usual. Now leave me. This will take some time.”

  - o -

  Sarah and Maria scurried out of the living room and headed directly to their sanctuary—the pool. Quickly, they pulled off their dresses and dove in.

  When they reached the far end, Sarah rolled on her back, as did Maria. “Adam is royally pissed.”

  “That’s for sure,” Maria agreed, cupping her hands in the water.

  “So what do you think he has in store for me this evening?” She didn’t try to explain the heat coursing through her body in anticipation, nor the icy chill edged with a trace of fear.

  “I don’t know, but he won’t hurt you.”

  “How can you be so sure? He thinks I stole you from him.”

  “I know Adam.” Maria shut her eyes. “He’s wounded. He’ll growl. He’ll kick and scream. But he won’t hurt the women he loves—and he does love us. He might hurt himself, but he won’t hurt either one of us.”

  Sarah turned sharply to Maria. “You don’t think he’ll actually hurt himself.”

  Maria’s eyes snapped open. She shook her head. “Not physically. But he could do a number on himself emotionally until all of this is resolved.”

  Sarah inhaled and let her breath out slowly. “So we play along and wait.”

  “What choice do we have? It’s play along or leave the game.”

  “I’ll play,” Sarah said quickly.

  “I’m sure you will. You play so well.” Maria stood in the waist deep water. “Come on, lover, give me a kiss.”

  Sarah stood and they joined hands. “But Adam?”

  “If he’s watching, it’ll serve him right. He needs to be constantly reminded of what’s he’s missing.” Maria winked. “Now shut up and kiss me.”

  Sarah giggled. “Yes, Mistress Maria.” She moved into an easy embrace. Her lips played with Maria’s, dabbling and tasting. She chewed on Maria’s upper lip and then the lower one. Maria’s tongue entered her mouth. She sucked it deep. She broke the kiss and rested her cheek on top of Maria’s breast, gasping for air. “You are the best kisser I’ve ever been with. How can I get so aroused by a single kiss?”

  “Because you love me, Pepper.” Maria lifted her chin. “Now kiss me again,” she said, lowering her head.

  And she did. Their lips sealed like glue. Her hands entered the water to cup Maria’s butt just as Maria’s squeezed hers. The friction of pussy rubbing pussy beneath the surface and the soft probing kiss set her off. She smiled when Maria shuddered in her arms. They clung together for long moments letting sweetness wash over them.

  “Damn,” Maria said, “that was a pleasant surprise.”

  “Um. It sure was. Not all surprises have to be gift wrapped.” She traced the outline of Maria’s jaw with a finger pad. “I hope Adam enjoyed himself half as much as we did.”

  - o -

  Adam slammed his fist into the wall.
They couldn’t even wait for him. They couldn’t wait for tonight.

  Why did that bother him? It was only sex. Oh, they wanted to call it something else. But he’d just witnessed two women humping each other in his pool. Looked like sex to him. So it must have been sex. He bet it smelled like it, too.

  Perhaps it was good Maria had taken the edge off of Sarah. The woman would have to prolong her desire this evening in order to satisfy his. He smiled as Sarah climbed out of the shallow end of the pool. She stretched like a satisfied cat. She might need nine lives before he was done with her. She grabbed Maria by the hand and they raced to towels lying on the poolside chairs.

  His lips curled up as he watched them toweling off. She didn’t have any inkling her clinging to Maria almost assured her of getting way in over her head.

  She thought she knew him. She didn’t have a clue. Maybe after tonight’s adventure she’d have a little better idea what kinds of passion lurked within him. Would she move out in the morning? Would she take Maria with her? Did he give a damn?

  - o -

  On her back with her hands extended over her head, her raised butt resting on a cushion and her legs splayed wide, Sarah eyed Adam with what she hoped was sufficient aloofness. He hadn’t tied her to the bed, but he might as well have. He’d told her in no uncertain terms not to budge. If nothing else, his glare kept her riveted in place.

  Thankfully, Maria knelt by her side with a reassuring smile. Yet even she had an edge about her that seemed different. Maria’s flared nostrils and elongated nipples embodied sexual excitement. She must know what Adam intended.

  But like her, Maria awaited Adam’s next command. He was in charge of choreographing what was going to pass for lovemaking. Sarah wasn’t in charge, and neither was Maria.

  Adam could be mistaken for a Greek god kneeling between her legs. His chest and corded thighs glistened with a sheen of oil. His eyes bore into her as if capable of reading her mind. Her heart skipped several beats as she watched him squirt oil along the full length of his cock. He worked both hands along the length of his shaft, spreading the oil thoroughly. She could hear the squeak of the oil against his hard flesh. Her mouth watered at the sight of the purplish crown peeking out of his fist.

  “See something you want?” Adam asked. His grin made it clear he knew her response.

  “Yes,” she replied, trying to sound as meek as possible.




  “How?” She frowned at his fingers skimming his cock. “Not that way. Come in me,” she pled. “Now.”

  Adam gave Maria a caustic smile. “Haven’t you taught her better than this? She still thinks she can control the game.” He glared back at her. “You don’t get to decide this time. I will do what I want to you and with you. Right?”

  Sarah smacked her lips, resisting looking at Maria for help. She girded herself for what was to come. She knew she’d brought this on herself. She’d teased him, taunted him, and mocked him. She’d wanted to crack his exterior. Now she wasn’t so sure she wanted to peer into his interior world. She did her best not to outwardly tremble. “Yes. Do what you will.” The strength of her voice surprised even her.

  “Very well.” His eyes snapped a warning before he nodded to Maria. “Put the blindfold on your lover.”

  Horrified, Sarah watched Maria pull a black blindfold from beneath a pillow.

  “It’ll be okay, Pepper,” Maria whispered. Her lips parted into a half smile. “Believe me, this only makes sex more vivid.”

  Resigned, Sarah nodded and lifted her head for Maria to knot the blindfold. Her world went immediately dark. There were no edges where light seeped in. She had been thrown into a complete blackout.

  “We’ll give you a moment to adjust,” Adam said.

  Sarah was surprised by his soothing tone.

  “Cutting off your visual cues will heighten others,” he added. “Have you ever been blindfolded before?”

  She shook her head. “Only in trust walks with youth groups.”

  Adam chuckled. “Having sex blindfolded does demand trust, but this is no trust walk. Before we are done with you, Sarah, you won’t know who is doing what to you. You will be completely at our mercy, totally under our control. You won’t be able to stop us or yourself. How does that feel?”

  “Scary,” she whimpered.

  “Good. I’m glad I finally found something new for you to experience. I must admit you’ve surprised me. Now it’s your turn to be surprised.”

  The mattress shifted beneath her. Too much time passed without anyone speaking. Sarah struggled to remain calm.

  “You do look so vulnerable lying there spread eagled and blindfolded. It is so tempting to just give in and ravage you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  She nodded and wet her lips. Tensing, she prepared for the shock of his cock entering her swiftly.

  “But that would be way too quick. Satisfying, but not satisfying enough.”

  Fingers tapped her swollen nipples. She jerked. His laughter filled her ears.

  “That was just a test, and you failed miserably. Remember whatever you do, don’t move unless I tell you to. I can still tie you down if necessary.”

  Sarah shook her head wildly. That was the last thing she wanted. She’d never liked feeling confined. And this was already too confining. “No, that won’t be necessary.”

  Her nipples were unceremoniously twisted, sending bolts of pain to her brain. Her brow furrowed but she made no attempt to pull away.

  “Better, much better,” Adam praised her with only a trace of derision. “She may be ready. What do you think?”

  “She’s ready.” Maria’s squeaked. “Let’s get on with it. I’m creaming already.”

  “That’s unusual?” Adam laughed. “First, we’re going to pour some oil on your beautiful skin and work it in thoroughly. A well oiled body helps prolong orgasms, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t know,” Sarah murmured. Initially, the oil chilled her, but four hands massaging the silky liquid into her flesh soon warmed her all over. She quickly lost track of which hands belonged to Adam and which to Maria. Then their hands blurred. It was as if they were everywhere at once.

  Had others silently joined them? Was she involved in some sort of orgy? She swore fingers caressed her from ears to toes. No more time was spent on her breasts than on her knees. With one aching exception, every square inch of flesh was massaged without lingering. No touch seemed explicitly erotic, yet she’d never felt more sexually alive in her life.

  Sarah ran the tip of her tongue along her lips. They’d become dry. Her flesh did a slow burn. What was in the oil? Or was her hypersensitivity simply the result of highly skilled fingers? She caught her breath as four sets of fingers moved slowly but deliberately up along the inside of her thighs. She couldn’t determine whose fingers touched her labia first, but she nearly leapt off the bed when they did.

  “Don’t move,” Adam hissed, breaking the silence. She hadn’t even realized how quiet they’d been for the past several minutes until he spoke. Her complete concentration had been on twenty fingers. Oil saturated her pussy and fingers continuing kneading it into the engorged flesh. If this wasn’t meant to excite, why was she so excited? Two hands traced a path of oil toward her anus.

  Involuntarily, she clenched her buttocks. “Don’t resist,” Adam warned. “You have no choice in this. If we desire your ass, it’s ours. Remember?”

  She nodded and tried to calm her breathing. Two hands spread her butt cheeks while two hands spread oil over the crease of her butt. Two fingers rimmed her ass. She’d swear one was Adam’s and one was Maria’s. They were equal partners in this sweet torture. She lifted her butt off the bed wanting to scream for one of them to enter her, but she bit her tongue and remained quiet.

  “You’ll get what you want,” Adam said, pressing her back down on the mattress. “Maybe more than you want, but not yet. There is much more to do to you befo
re that. Touching is more intense without seeing, isn’t it?”

  “Very,” she murmured, unsure of what they might’ve left out. What would happen next to prolong her agony—she shuddered—no, her pleasure?

  She didn’t have to wait long. “That tickles,” Sarah gasped, keeping her arms locked in place. “What? Feathers?”

  She blew at the feathers grazing her upper lip and giggled. Her giggles stopped as the feathers slid along her neck and then toward her cleavage.

  “You’re quick,” Maria whispered next to her ear. “Feathers can be tantalizingly delightful. You’ll see.”

  Sarah swallowed, tracking each tiny flick of each feather. They worked in tandem, one gliding along the rise of each breast. The tips of the feathers drew circles tracing the edges of her aureoles. Her nipples ached reaching out for the feathers that must be hovering over them. Then a feather tapped each nipple. She tensed, but applauded her determination not to grab the feathers, or her nipples, or her lovers.

  Adam laughed aloud. “My original plan was to save you for one giant orgasm, but I have so much planned for us that doesn’t seem reasonable even to me. So a change in plans is in order. We’ll see how often we can make you come. But you can only come on command. I remain in control of your body. Understood?”

  “Yes, I think so.” The tap-tap-tapping of feathers against taut nipples continued until she could bear it no longer. “I’m ready. Please. Please Adam, let me come.”

  “Only if you don’t curl up and turn away from me afterward. I want to see you come, Sarah. I want to see all of you. Agreed?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “You may come.”

  The feathers continued rapping on her nipples as if they were priming a pump. She gasped, holding herself rigid, letting the small orgasm rush through her body and warm her from the inside out. “Nice. Thank you.” She fought the urge to roll into a ball and nurse it to its completion. Her pussy needed fondling, but no one touched her there and she wasn’t about to ask. She knew better than to try and do it herself.