The Reunion Read online

Page 7

  This time she seemed to acquiesce to his wants. She spread her hips wide. He curled her fingers in his hands, giving her something to hold onto in the face of the forces building within. He worked his tongue languidly around her heated interior. Her hips quivered. Her fingernails dug into his palms, then her pussy clamped around his tongue. He maintained a steady pace traversing in and out.

  “Jesus!” Sarah exclaimed, starting to scrunch away from him, then giving herself up to his erotic torment. “It’s starting. Again!” Her hips sank into the bed.

  Adam pressed his tongue deeper, waiting. Then she detonated. Her hips drove up, grinding against his mouth, bruising his lips.

  “Oh,” she gasped. “Huge...never before.”

  Disquieting emotion swept through Adam as he gulped at her flow. With each lunge of her hips she gushed anew, until she collapsed.

  He clutched her tight, not letting her roll away into her private world. Instead, he continued kissing her pussy lightly until she relaxed and breathed evenly.

  At last, he looked into her eyes. They were pools of moisture. Her plaintive plea tore at his innards, but he knew what he had to do. He climbed off the bed, pulled on his trousers and tossed on his shirt. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Now you know. I can do slow, too.” He quickly turned and walked out of the bedroom before he could change his mind.

  - o -

  Sarah lay alone in his large bed, trying not to take his departure personally. After all, Maria had needs, too.

  Hugging a pillow to her bosom, she looked at the mirror. Had Maria been watching? She waved at the mirror and felt foolish. If she had, she wouldn’t be there any longer. She’d be getting ready for Adam.

  Sarah struggled to a sitting position. Damn, could she still stand—let alone walk?

  Yes, Adam Granger could do slow. Had she ever known sex was akin to torture? Had she ever been loved more thoroughly?

  She stumbled toward the door. But Adam hadn’t come. Sarah managed a small grin. That wasn’t her worry. Maria was probably taking care of that.

  Sarah closed the bedroom door behind her and padded softly down the hallway until she came to the entrance to the anteroom next to Maria’s bedroom.

  She stepped in to find a small room set up with two small soft chairs. One had a note pinned to it.

  Hi Sarah,

  You looked delectable tonight! I’m glad Adam took you slowly. I can hardly wait for my turn. I have to run and get ready for Adam. He should have buckets tonight. Enjoy the show. Feel free to use any of the toys.



  Sarah sat down and raised the curtain covering the one-way mirror. She hadn’t arrived soon enough to catch the preliminaries, but Adam was no doubt in a big hurry by now.

  She watched with fascination as Maria rode his pole. Adam was on his back. Maria was on top facing away from him and squarely facing the mirror. Clearly Maria had chosen the position for the delight of the voyeur as well as the participants.

  There was no sound. That was a huge drawback. But she’d never before watched a man and woman make love. Not that she could see much of Adam. Well, she could certainly see his most important parts.

  She wet her lips and parted her robe to pull on her own nipples just as Maria was pulling on hers. The woman’s mouth was moving. She was crying out even though Sarah couldn’t hear what she was saying.

  Even while climaxing, Maria kept her gaze focused on where Sarah sat. Adam’s hips began pumping—his climax must be approaching.

  At the last second, Maria backed off of him and used her hands to pump his seed all over her belly and pussy. She’d been right. Adam came in buckets. Maria was laughing. She dipped her fingers in the come pooling at her waist and held a finger up for Sarah to see and then slowly sucked it clean.

  Sarah clawed at her clit and came quickly without taking her gaze off of Maria cleaning herself and Adam. Once she was able to breathe again, Sarah stood on shaky legs and exited the small room, leaving her host and hostess to themselves.

  In a few short minutes, Sarah threw off her robe and crawled under the sheets of Adam and Maria’s bed. Would she ever fall asleep? She couldn’t shake the image of the triumphant Maria beckoning and inviting.

  How long could she hold out before seducing the woman with cinnamon skin? It was no longer a matter of if; it was only a matter of when. She was probably the last one in the house to acknowledge that.

  - o -

  “I’m not seducing her, Adam,” Maria insisted. Trying to remain cool, she sat next to Adam on the Rangoon bench as they typically did, watching the early morning fog roll out. It seemed later than usual this morning. “You weren’t too concerned about what Sarah and I were up to when you came to my bed last night. Why the sudden grilling?”

  “I had other needs then and you know it,” Adam growled. “And what the hell were you doing with that corn cob last night, if not seduction.”

  Maria tipped her head back and laughed. “Turning you and her on. It worked, didn’t it? You couldn’t get her away from the table fast enough. And I didn’t see Sarah resisting.”

  “No, I suppose not. Still, you said you wouldn’t seduce her, that she’d seduce you.”

  “She will. You can take that to the bank.” She scowled at him. “That’s still okay with you, isn’t it?”

  He glared out at the bay.

  “She’s not your private property.” Maria tried to calm herself. Breathe deep. Remember your yoga teachings. Don’t let your man buffalo you. “Well?”

  “She’s not my property. You’re right.” Adam exhaled. “I can’t explain it. She has my guts twisted up.”

  “Ah.” Maria stroked his bare arm. “I wonder which of the two of you is the best rendition of Jekyll and Hyde.”


  “You jerk her off roughly one night as if she is nothing more than a sex toy. The next night you love her as if you’re worshiping her pussy. She’s not the teenage fantasy of your youth, Adam. She’s neither sex slave nor the girl on that high out-of-reach pedestal.”

  Adam cleared his throat. “What is she, then?”

  “One moment she’s demure—waiting, wanting to be pursued—and the next she’s the pursuer, as if she’s played this game all her life.”

  “That’s where you are dead wrong. Sarah Atkinson doesn’t know the first thing about the kinds of games you and I play.”

  Maria shook her head. “Maybe you’re right.” She didn’t believe her words for a split second.

  “Good morning,” Sarah said, stepping onto the porch with a mug of coffee. “I can’t seem to get ahead of you two. I must still be adjusting to the time change.”

  “No problem. Something must be agreeing with you. You look rested and ready to take on the world this morning.” Maria smiled and took in the dark-haired woman dressed in a thin pink tank top and a short black mini skirt. Sarah took a seat across from the bench and crossed and uncrossed her legs. Adam choked on his drink and Maria suppressed another smile. Their visitor’s vulva had opened and closed as if issuing a private invitation—but to whom?

  “I am. I am at that.” Sarah sipped her coffee seemingly unaware of what she was displaying. “Adam, I have a favor to ask.”

  “What’s that?” he responded hoarsely.

  “Maria showed me your darkroom yesterday. I used to love doing black and white photography in college.”

  “She gave up her passion for her first husband,” Maria added.

  “Would it be okay with you if I use the darkroom and equipment? I’m going to go bonkers here if I don’t find something to do,” she lowered her eyelashes, “other than waiting for you.”

  “That’s not a problem. Of course, I don’t know how good the stuff is anymore; I haven’t done much with it lately. You’d probably have to pick up fresh film.”

  “I’m not sure I would know how to use the hi-tech gadgets on the market today. I may be more comfortable with the old ways.”

  Adam gav
e Maria a knowing look and then looked back at Sarah. “I’m sure you are. So what are you going to shoot?”


  “Maria!” Adam cast a quelling look at her.

  Maria smiled demurely in return.

  “Yes, Maria. I used to specialize in black and white photos of people. Maria has agreed to help me get in touch with my lost passion. Don’t you think that’s sweet of her?”

  Sarah tugged at her mini-skirt, which only drew attention to her bare necessities. Maria swallowed a giggle. Their guest played Adam like a marionette. He glowered at the ocean. Maria covered her mouth. Did Sarah have any idea how much she was driving Adam over the edge with her feigned innocence?

  “Whatever you decide is fine with me,” Adam finally said. He rose to his feet and grimaced at Maria. “I have to get going.”

  “You’re not doing breakfast?” Maria asked.

  “I’ll leave that to the two of you. I told Johnny I wouldn’t be late for his court appearance.”

  Sarah frowned. “What was that all about?” She asked after Adam left.

  “I’m not completely sure.” Maria dipped her chin. “He’s searching for something. Maybe he’ll know what it is when he finds it.”

  “What about Johnny?”

  “Oh, Johnny. Johnny is a sixteen year old kid going on forty. Adam is his mentor.” Sarah shook her head in confusion. “You know, sort of like a big brother.”

  “Oh. Adam? Really?”

  Maria laughed, stood and headed toward the kitchen with Sarah tagging along behind. “You don’t really know Adam. He’s a great guy. You may only think he has a big cock, but he also has a big heart.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “Don’t chastise yourself too much. It’s not as if he wants people to know. Maybe you, especially.”

  “Why not me?”

  “Then you might not think he’s the big bad wolf and he won’t be able to scare you away.”

  “What else does Adam do that makes him such a great guy?” Sarah said, refilling their coffee cups.

  Maria shrugged. “He’ll probably be pissed if I tell you, but he’s a major contributor to women’s shelters and programs for abused kids in the area.”

  “Really? He never said.”

  “Did you ever ask?”

  Sarah shook her head.

  “Of course not. You only tracked him down out here so he could fuck you into the next year. You’re not interested in his heart or his brain.”

  Sarah blanched and her eyes misted.

  “I’m sorry, Sarah.” Maria grabbed Sarah’s hands. “That was too harsh. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “But it’s true. I don’t know anything about him—or you.”

  “And that’s okay. We can both show you a good time, and we’ll have a blast too. But you might be surprised if you actually tried to get to know us. It’s not only sex games we play. But enough of this serious stuff. How long will it take for you to get the camera equipment ready?”

  “At least the morning. I’ll probably have to run out and pick up fresh film and materials. Don’t feel that you have to nurse me, Maria. I have the rental car and can find my way around.”

  “Good. That’ll free me up to run some errands I have to do down the hill. Like they say, life does go on. Maybe we can reconnect after lunch. Where do you want to set up the photo shoot?”

  “I was thinking maybe the room you have fixed up for a dance studio. We can play with reflection as well as light and we can easily put up and take down wall coverings.”

  “That sounds great. Maybe later you might want to try the gazebo as a photo setting.”

  “Excellent. Then I can play with natural light. This is going to be so much fun, Maria.” Sarah hesitated. “And don’t feel too badly about what you said earlier. I expect there is a lot of truth to what you said. I do want to learn more about you as well as Adam—and not only the curves of your body.” Sarah leaned over and brushed her lips across Maria’s.

  Maria responded in kind to the soft kiss. She did nothing to press her visitor farther than she wanted to go.

  Sarah broke away. “That was nice.”

  “Very nice. Will you be back for more?”

  “Probably.” Sarah’s smile split her lips. “But I am the seducer, remember?”

  Maria nodded and watched Sarah saunter down the hallway toward the darkroom. Leaning against the counter, Maria drained her coffee. It looked like Sarah Atkinson was as skilled at the art of seduction as she was. Maria smacked her lips. She could hardly wait for the next foray Sarah would make as she led them down the road toward sharing their bodies completely.

  - o -

  “Turn your chin a little to the right. Good. Down a bit. Perfect. Hold that pose.” Sarah clicked several rapid shots of Maria posing on a wooden stool clad in a blue velvet bikini.

  “You want to take a break?” Sarah asked, setting aside her camera.

  “I’m fine.” Maria arched her eyebrows. “I’m ready for more if you are.”

  “Okay.” Sarah breathed deeply. The implications of what Maria wanted were hardly lost on her. Her nipples tightened. She could handle this. She could be professional. Though she fully intended to have sex with Maria, she wasn’t going to mix pleasure with her photography. “Take off your top.” She stepped around a pole of lights and changed them slightly. She caught her breath studying Maria through the view finder. “You might want to play with your nipples a little so they stand out.”

  “No problem.” Maria’s lips turned into a huge smile and she twisted her nipples. “I thought it was okay for the artist to help her model show herself off as best as possible.”

  Sarah held her ground and started snapping pictures. “Great. Stretch them. Fantastic! Drop your hands. Good. You’re a natural at this, Maria.”

  Maria smiled. “I should be. I’ve spent many years doing exotic dancing.”

  “Really?” Sarah peeked around her camera. “You mean stripping in front of people?”

  “Uh huh. Swinging on poles and all that stuff.”

  “My goodness.” She tried to blot out that alluring image. “I wish I could be so comfortable in my body. Not that I’d want to be an exotic dancer.”

  “Of course not.”

  “So you probably have a portfolio of glamour shots for marketing.”

  “Precisely. Are you ready for me to shuck the bottoms?”

  “Sure. Why not?” Sarah struggled to breathe. “Damn, Maria, you do have a stunning body.”

  “A little turned on, huh? I’m glad you like it.” Maria cast her gaze downward and Sarah clicked her camera. “But I’m still not telling you whether I taste like cinnamon. That’s for you to find out on your own.”

  Sarah stuck her tongue out. “I didn’t expect you would. I’m going to change the lighting again. I want more shadows falling across your belly. There.”

  “Turn a little to your right. Spread your legs wide. Make the woman admiring the pic want to nibble on you. No. Not that way. Don’t play with yourself.” Sarah moved around the camera and picked up the bikini bottom that had fallen to the floor. “Here. Hold onto these. Play with them. Bring them to your mouth and bat your eyes like you’re not quite sure what will happen next. Pretend you’re teasing your lover.” She stepped behind the camera and chewed on her lower lip as she refocused the lens. “That’ll work.” Her froggy voice surprised her.

  “This getting to you a little, Pepper?” Maria turned her head and gave her a grin. “And you know I’m not pretending.”

  Sarah snapped the shutter button. “That should be great.” Sarah giggled. “If a pussy can smile, yours is. Can you get down on the throw rug? Give me a good angle. Leave one leg on the floor and prop the other knee up, like this.” She placed Maria in position and stepped back. “Pull on your nipples a little. Perfect. Now stretch an arm out so you’re resting on your elbow. Splay the fingers of your other hand across your belly. That’s right—they’re pointing toward your tre
asure. Spread those lips just a little bit. Give me some pink and then back off. Suggestive, but not raunchy. Oh, yeah. Scrumptious. Hold that pose.”

  Sarah took several shots. “That should be enough for now. Is there anything you can think of that we forgot?”

  “Maybe some tease shots.” Maria’s eyes sparkled with challenge. “If I’m actually going to use them in my portfolio, then I will need some of those.”

  “Okay. I thought these were some tease shots.” Sarah checked to see how much film she had left. “Why don’t you do what you think are tease shots and I’ll keep up with you.”

  “Good idea.” Maria turned, faced the wall, and bent over to touch the floor. Sarah clicked the camera. Maria reached back, clasped each butt cheek, and spread them. Sarah bit her tongue at the sight of two orifices opening for her and clicked the camera. Thank goodness it was on a tripod.

  She watched Maria’s fingers slide slowly from beneath her body to palm her pussy. She held her breath and clicked the shutter button. “I’m almost out of film,” she squeaked.

  Maria turned. “Just a couple more.” She sat back down on the stool and spread her legs into a splits. Sarah snapped the camera. Maria played with her pussy just enough for her clit to peek out from its covering. Sarah ignored her increasing pulse rate and clicked the camera.

  “I’m out of film,” she said, setting the camera on the floor. She picked the velvet bikini off the floor and handed it to Maria. “Maybe you’d better put this on.”

  Maria stood and tied the bikini bottom in place. “Got you horny, did I?” Maria gave her a full smile. “That’s what tease shots are supposed to do, you know. Hope you have some good pics.”

  Sarah reached out and traced a dark nipple with her index finger. “There will be. You were quite effective. You’re a fabulous model.”

  “Ah,” Maria moaned.

  Sarah dipped her head and sucked the nipple into her mouth. She bit it gently and backed away. She giggled at the surprise in Maria’s eyes. “That’s for teasing me.” She palmed Maria’s pussy through the velvet. “And for forgetting that I’m the seducer.”