The Reunion Read online

Page 11

  “Often we need a second and third shooting. You could meet with the girls one-on-one after I’m done with them.”

  “Now that does strike a fascinating picture,” he chided. “So I get seconds. I do know how super you are at preparing a woman for me.”

  “Adam,” she snapped. “Please, this is important for them. It’s important to me.”

  Adam stood. “Okay, Sarah. I can do that. But I have only a limited amount of time.”

  “Of course. Whatever you can manage will be appreciated.”

  She took a step back as he rounded his desk, then she stood her ground. He gave her credit when he reached for her. He untied the knot holding her shirt together. Her breasts sprang free. Her eyebrows arched.

  “Would you resist me, if I laid you over my desk and fucked you from behind?”

  Sarah’s tongue slid across parted lips. “No,” she whimpered.

  “Maria isn’t here to protect you, is she?”


  He guided her to his desk and bent her over. He flipped her mini-skirt onto her back. “What a gorgeous ass.”

  He squeezed each butt cheek. He ran his finger tips down the crevice. Her breathing had nearly stopped. She thought she finally had him, but he was not about to satisfy her yet. Not in that way.

  He lifted his open palm and smacked her butt.

  She jerked forward. “Ow.”

  “You’ve been a naughty girl teasing me so. Haven’t you? Say it, Sarah.” He waited.

  She shook her head in defiance.

  He slapped her butt again a bit harder.

  “Yes,” she whimpered, “I’ve been a naughty girl.”

  “Good. That’s more like it.” He raised his other hand and slapped her other cheek. Her ass quivered. Her pussy glistened and her asshole puckered. But Sarah uttered not a sound. She was temptation personified.

  Adam shook his head, trying to ignore his rigid cock wanting to be freed from its confinement. It took all of his will power to stop. He stood her back up and turned her around to face him. He ignored the tears welling in her eyes. Adam held her chin between two fingers. “Don’t push me too far, Sarah. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  “You better find some more compelling ways to seduce me than having Maria deprive me of sex. I like the way your nipples enlarge when you’re excited.” He twisted both nipples until she gasped. “And you are excited right now, aren’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “Say it.” He tapped a bruised nipple.

  “Yes. I’m excited.” Her words were hardly audible. Her eyes rounded—was that fear, or lust?

  “What do you want?”

  “You. Your cock.” Her voice turned bold.

  “Where do you want it?”

  “Anywhere.” She lowered a hand toward his waist.

  He caught it and squeezed hard. She flinched. “No. You’ve been too naughty to deserve my cock.” With all the self-control he could muster, he knotted her blouse, covering her breasts back up. “Get out of here before I remember how many other ways you’ve been a bad girl.”

  Sarah moved quickly toward the door. Before she exited she turned and said, “I’ll have the girls stop by to check in with you. At least those who are willing.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Willingness isn’t always a prerequisite.”

  “I noticed.” She gave him a coy smile bent over, flipped up her skirt and slapped her bare butt harder than he had. “Until next time—bye.”

  Adam didn’t know whether to laugh or spit nails. She always seemed to have a trump card ready to play no matter what he did. So she wasn’t appalled at being spanked.

  - o -

  Maria sipped lemonade in the gazebo later that afternoon eagerly listening to Sarah’s description of her encounter with Adam in his office. “So our macho man has you under his skin and can’t shake you.” She twirled a finger around the rim of her glass.

  “He’s still trying to shock me.” A flash of humor skittered across Sarah’s face. “A little spanking is hardly going to do that.”

  “Don’t I know?” Maria closed her eyes and imagined Adam spanking their guest. Too bad she’d missed what must been a looked of amazement on his face when Sarah slapped her butt for him. “You do have a shapely ass that begs for attention.”

  “I’m glad you noticed. At least Adam agreed to meet with some of the girls about managing their finances.”

  “That’ll be good for them and him. Adam sometimes chastises himself for not doing more for people who have to struggle to make it like he did.”

  “Meeting with the girls will keep him around the house more.” Sarah set aside her empty glass. “So what kind of show should we put on for him next?”

  Maria shook her head. “This entire game is getting a little tiring. You and I’ve made love almost under his nose in nearly all the ways I can imagine. He watches. You know he wants to join us. But he doesn’t. Last night doesn’t count. That was a desperate man seeking relief.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t actually want to join us. Clearly, he still wants to screw you.”

  Maria watched Sarah gulp and hold a tight rein on her composure.

  “Maybe it was a huge mistake coming out here.” Sarah’s eyebrows flew up. “No. I don’t mean that. Finding you, Maria—being with you has been a breath of clean fresh air I haven’t experienced in so long.”

  Maria cradled Sarah’s hand. “For me, too.”

  “But maybe being with Adam is simply not in the cards. Do I go back to Chicago? What else can I do?”

  “We’re not giving up.” Maria squeezed Sarah’s fingers. “There’s too much at stake. It’s not only about Adam—it’s also about you and me.”

  Sarah closed her eyes and breathed sharply. “I know.”

  “And I’m not ready to give you up,” Maria insisted, grazing Sarah’s chin. “I don’t know that I ever will be.”

  “And I don’t want to lose you.” Sarah opened her eyes. They were filled with determination and longing. “Not after just finding you. I feel like we’ve known each other existed forever and we only now found each other. But I don’t want to hurt Adam.”

  “Come here, girl.” Maria pushed her chair back. “Come let me hold you.”

  Sarah settled on Maria’s lap and hugged her. Warm tears spilled down Maria’s neck.

  “It’s okay, Pepper. We’ll find a way out of this maze. Together we’ll get through to that dunderhead.”

  Sarah pushed away to smile at Maria and then she leaned forward. Her lips tasted of lemonade. Maria moaned. Lemonade had never tasted so good.

  Maria slid a hand between Sarah’s parted legs until her fingers covered Sarah’s mound. “Do you want a little climax?”

  “No. But don’t move. Just hold me.” Sarah rested her head on Maria’s shoulder. “You are so loving, Maria. I’ll never get enough of you.” Her chuckle reverberated against Maria’s skin. “Adam’s idea of no underwear has turned out be quite a boon.”

  “You think it was his idea?” Maria pressed her fingers more firmly against Sarah’s dampening folds.

  Sarah giggled softly. “Of course it would’ve been your idea!”

  “Damn, you are so open.” Maria’s index finger slipped into Sarah. “You sure you don’t want to come?”

  “This is fine. Stay where you are, but I’m feeling quite mellow. I don’t want to alter the mood.”

  “Fine. So when is Rachel coming back in for her follow-up shoot?” she asked softly.

  Sarah frowned and paused a minute. “This Thursday at ten, I think. Why?”

  Maria winked. “If our dear friend Adam hasn’t come around by then we may have to up the ante.”

  Sarah hesitated. A smile crept across her lips. “You don’t mean?”

  Wiggling her finger and enjoying Sarah’s gasps, Maria nodded. “Do you think you can handle two women at once?”

  “Handle it? You’ve got to be kidding. I’m almost hoping Adam doesn’t get his
act together until after Thursday. So will you talk with Rachel before then? How do you know she’d be willing to help us out?”

  “I’ll call her. I can guarantee she’ll be willing. She was singing your praises when she left the other day. She couldn’t understand why a photographer who photographs nude women shouldn’t also be nude.” Maria smiled broadly. “She’ll be primed and ready by Thursday.”

  “I can hardly wait.” Sarah kissed Maria warmly. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m primed and ready right now. If you’d wiggle just a little, I’ll come all over your finger.”

  “I was hoping you might say that.” She probed Sarah’s pussy slowly, twisting side to side and moving deeper. Sarah’s teeth bit into her shoulder. Maria cuddled her shuddering lover close. Her hand moistened with Sarah’s juices. “You are so unstoppable, woman. This has got to all work out. Somehow.”

  - o -

  Thursday morning Sarah took extra time preparing for a special day. She’d taken a longer shower than usual. Rather than donning one of the ankle length dresses she usually wore when working behind the camera, she’d put on a wrap-around skirt that fell only half way down her thighs. It wasn’t exactly a mini-skirt, but it was close enough. She’d also picked out a ruffled blouse and had only buttoned enough buttons to prevent her boobs from popping out prematurely.

  She ran a brush through her hair and rechecked her appearance. Comely. Available. Sexy. Edgy. Willing. Nice curves. Fairly tight body—particularly for a thirty-eight year old. She smiled. She looked good enough to eat. The corner of her mouth curved up. At least she hoped she did.

  So why hadn’t Adam succumbed to her wiles—to the combined craftiness of herself and Maria? Even Maria was baffled by the man she’d known intimately for so long.

  Time. Didn’t they say time took care of everything? She didn’t want to waste any more years without Adam or without Maria. She knew that now. Maria had to have a permanent role in her future. There was no saying what that might mean. Maria might be an occasional lover. They might travel back and forth from the coast to Chicago. Or meet in Denver or Vegas. She didn’t allow herself to imagine beyond that.

  Adam? Adam might simply remain the sphinx that couldn’t be cracked. She hoped he was enjoying himself—not that she wasn’t. Still, it would be so much better if he were a willing participant.

  But enough wasted thoughts on Adam. Sarah wanted her complete attention focused on her next appointment. Rachel Bailey, part-time exotic dancer, part-time porn star, and apparently a woman who was quite taken with imagining her photographer stark naked, writhing beneath her. Sarah tried to calm her nerves. How true that was going to be. Who would be first to acknowledge what this appointment was really about?

  Rachel Bailey breezed into Sarah’s makeshift studio ten minutes late. Sarah started breathing again. She thought maybe she’d been stood up. That hadn’t happened since high school days and seldom then—since Adam Granger failed to show up for a work project. Not that he’d regarded it as some sort of date. She had, but then she’d had a vivid imagination as a teenager.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Rachel apologized, doffing her tank top. “The traffic on the interstate was rugged for this time of day.”

  Sarah smiled. She didn’t have to be a connoisseur of women to appreciate those huge breasts. Maybe she’d get up the nerve to ask if they were natural.

  The buxom blonde slid off shorts and panties to pirouette comfortably in the buff, obviously accustomed to being naked in front of others.

  Sarah blinked—she’d stared overly long, even for a photographer.

  “Like what you see?” Rachel palmed her breasts and pinched her nipples.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Rachel,” Sarah said, buying time. She didn’t want to appear too easy, and she did have a job to do. “Of course, you know that. So tell me what you want to achieve in this photo shoot.”

  Rachel’s broad smile made it clear she wasn’t thinking about photos.

  “Let me ask that question again,” Sarah said, picking up a camera. “What do you want the person who looks at your pictures to see?”

  “I know what you mean,” Rachel said, her eyes twinkling. She sat on the stool and became all business. “We have to have some come-hither shots, but I’m most interested in something more subtle. Some of the pics you took the other day were close to what I’m thinking about. Mystery. Even an air of innocence, if that’s possible at this age. I don’t mean that teenage innocence crap. No one in the industry has that anymore. That’s so fake!”

  The woman’s vehemence surprised Sarah.

  “Maybe that’s it.” Rachael’s face lit up. “I want to be seen as real—as a real person. With certain gifts, of course,” she added, hefting her boobs as if Sarah might have forgotten them. “But capable of laughing, crying and loving. I’m one of those women in film who doesn’t fake orgasms. Fortunately, I come easily, but I truly believe the viewer shouldn’t be conned.”

  “That’s good,” Sarah murmured, looking through the view finder, “I suppose.”

  “Yes, well it wasn’t always that way. I had to work my way up in status to be able to call some of my own shots—taking time to show my partner what I needed to orgasm. I hated faking it.” Rachel gave her a crooked smile. “Maybe that’s my sense of integrity. That must shock you. A porn star with integrity.”

  “Not at all,” Sarah protested, poking her head around the camera. “I’m beginning to understand from you and others that you have your rules and expectations. They may not be the same as the average person on the street, but they are just as important to you.” She ducked behind her camera for safety as much as anything else. “But let’s take a few shots and see how we do. Why don’t you put on that silk robe lying over on the chair and play with it? Use it to seduce your lover. Be genuine about it.”

  Sarah clicked pictures as Rachel lifted her long blond hair off her shoulders and the robe parted. She played at seduction, covering one breast with silk and then the other. She lifted a foot to the stool and let the robe slide across her thigh. She twisted from side to side. She bent over and flipped the gown over her back. She waggled her butt.

  Trying to breathe evenly, Sarah snapped one shot after another. There were full shots and zoom shots of Rachel’s ass, her breasts, a pouting nipple, and her trimmed, blond pussy with moisture already quite evident. There was no question Rachel was aroused. She wasn’t faking her desire. Sarah didn’t have to glance down to know her own nipples stood tall, filled with want.

  “Sarah, does this look genuine enough for you?” Rachel parted her pussy lips.

  The glistening pink opening drew Sarah like a flesh-covered magnet. She took a step forward and stopped.”Yes, very genuine.”

  “The true test is whether these photos will turn anyone on.” Rachel smirked and stepped close enough to reach out and graze one of Sarah’s nipples. Sarah didn’t flinch. “Did I do this?” Rachel teased, “Your tight nipples suggest these pics might be working after all.”

  “I’d be surprised if they didn’t,” Sarah said, hoarsely.

  “Are you as wet as I am?”

  Sarah gave a half smile and widened her stance, letting Rachel answer her own question. “Check for yourself.”

  Rachel’s eyes rounded as she dipped a hand under Sarah’s skirt. “Christ, you’re wetter than me.”

  Sarah grinned as Rachel lowered her head to smother Sarah’s mouth. Sarah parted her lips and stepped into the embrace without dropping her camera. Their tongues clashed briefly. Sarah pulled away from Rachel’s insistent fingers fondling her pussy folds.

  “I knew it. You are a hot little thing,” Rachel said, holding Sarah by the hand. “So are we done taking pictures?”

  “I think so.” Sarah nodded. “I doubt I could push the shutter button down at the moment. Maria’s waiting for us. She’s going to be pissed if we get too far ahead of her. Why don’t we hurry and join her?”

  “Super.” Rachel slipped into the gown. “I have a di
fferent button I’ll bet you’ll be able to do just fine with.”

  - o -

  Adam scowled at the office clock. Rachel Bailey, the blond bombshell he’d once hired for some damn movie called “Destiny Rides Forever,” had shown up nearly two hours ago. What was taking them so long? Women had been streaming in and out of the house each morning for a couple weeks or more. Some stayed for a half hour; some for an hour.

  The photos of the women Sarah had shown him were damn good. He’d never realized how talented she was with a camera. Clearly it was an endeavor of passion for her.

  Passion. He swore at the clock. Slamming down the pen, Adam dashed out of his office at a near jog and took the stairs two at a time.

  Flinging open the anteroom door off his master bedroom, he chilled at the sight of the three naked women frolicking on his bed. Sarah was at the bottom of the pile with her mouth covering Rachel’s muff. Rachel was reciprocating, driving her tongue rapidly in and out of Sarah. Maria knelt behind Rachel with her strap-on in hand.

  Maria mouthed something and the blonde rose to her knees. Maria placed the head of the false cock at the blonde’s pussy and eased forward. The woman arched her back and pushed backward, impaling herself on the cock. He could make out Sarah’s fingers teasing Rachel’s clitoris.

  Not able to stop himself, Adam whipped out his cock and kept time with Maria fucking the blonde. He swore both women came at the same time. Both collapsed on either side of Sarah, leaving her fully exposed to his view. She reached for the slippery cock and said something to Maria.

  Nodding, Maria rolled onto her back. Sarah rose to her knees, straddled Maria and positioned herself over the false cock. While she faced away from him, Adam clearly saw his fantasy girl slowly take the false cock in her ass. “Jesus H. Christ.” His hand skimmed the length of his cock.

  Initially, Sarah was cautious. Then she began to ride with increasing abandon. Her arms flailed above her head. With each rise and fall, the cock emerged and disappeared in her ass. His hand kept pace with the movement of her rear. It was his cock that should be in her, not some fake piece of hardened plastic.