The Reunion Read online

Page 12

  Not to be left out, Rachel knelt beside the women and began kneading Sarah’s pussy. Maria pulled on Sarah’s nipples. There was no doubt when Sarah passed from one reality to the next. He thought he could even make out her screams. She gyrated like a puppet with no strings.

  “Sarah,” he whispered, exploding with her. One moment she was climbing higher and higher vertically and the next she fell forward, squashing Maria’s breasts, trying to catch her breath.

  Then she was laughing again. What was it with the woman? When had sex become so funny? She was like a giddy high school girl on a first date.

  But Sarah wasn’t a high school girl, and this wasn’t a first date.

  Adam cleaned himself up. He should bust into his bedroom and kick the blonde out. He heaved his shoulders. Neither Maria nor Sarah would forgive him if he did. Surprisingly, that mattered.

  He opened the door to the hallway. He’d deal with his women later—but he would deal with them. They’d gone too far this time. They’d toyed with him and taunted him for too long. He’d allowed them to get away with their antics. But no more. This was his house—his home, damn it. And they were his women.

  Adam stood behind the office window curtain and watched Rachel Bailey climb into a powder blue sports car. The woman wore a smile that would charm a priest. He could personally attest to her erotic skill. Maria had chosen well. It was no accident she’d selected a girl they’d shared several times in the past. Now Sarah had shared her too, but without him.

  Adam waited until he heard the clatter of plates and silverware as the women prepared for a late lunch. They’d missed regular lunch by over an hour and a half. Rachel must not have any tricks left in her bag.

  By the time he reached the kitchen Adam was in danger of exploding, yet he tried to calm himself. He studied the women. Glowing. Tired. Sexy as hell. They each turned and gave him a good-boy smile when they heard him enter.

  He grabbed a beer from the fridge and opened it with his fingers. He brought the bottle to his lips and swallowed deeply. Maria and Sarah sat to eat their chicken salad sandwiches. Did they think they could simply ignore him? Did they expect him to evaporate?

  “So how was your morning?” he asked, pulling out a chair and plopping down.

  “Splendid,” Maria said.

  “Absolutely heavenly,” Sarah added, with a smile splitting her face.

  His fist hitting the table rattled dishes and silverware. Both women looked at him with hesitancy and fear. “No more women. Do you hear me?”

  “Why?” Maria piped.

  “Because I said so! This is still my house. No other women—or men, for that matter.”

  “Adam, we wouldn’t do that.” Maria looked appropriately hurt.

  “I wouldn’t put anything past the two of you anymore.”

  Sarah sat rigid. She’d caught a second wind. Adam knew she would challenge his authority. Somehow.

  “But Adam,” she began sweetly, “sometimes we want a third. We need a third.”

  Adam grabbed her chin and leaned over so his nose nearly touched hers. “No more women or men. You have a third.”

  Sarah’s eyes rounded.

  Adam rose and glared down at the two of them. “I’m your third.”

  “Oh, Adam.” Sarah’s smile was bright. “I’m so pleased you’ve decided to join us.”

  “We’ll see how pleased you are after you play our games.” He turned and glowered at Maria. “And what do you have to say for yourself, Ms. Ramirez? Your fingerprints are all over this charade you and your lover are trying to pull off. You know Sarah is in over her head. Why do you persist?”

  “Maybe I don’t agree with you.”


  “Why don’t we let Sarah decide when she’s had enough?” Maria’s tone carried a laugh and a challenge. “Or if she ever can have enough.”

  Adam scowled at her. “Why aren’t you complaining about not having access to other women? Won’t that cramp your style?”

  “Sarcasm doesn’t affect me. You should know that by now.” Maria sipped from her glass and set it on the table before answering. “If you must know, Sarah satisfies that part of me that craves a woman. I don’t need others.” Maria arched her eyebrows. “As you know, Rachel can be lots of fun in bed, but I don’t need her. Not like I need Sarah. Think about that, Adam. Think about the implications of that when you can think rationally again.”

  Stunned, Adam grabbed a second beer and headed toward the safety of his office.

  Not able to sit, Adam paced the length of his office. What the hell had Maria meant—Sarah satisfies that part of me that craves a woman.

  Was Maria preparing to leave him for Sarah? How did he feel about that? Like shit. Empty. How had things fallen apart so quickly? It was the work of his minx. Sarah Atkinson had turned his world upside down and seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.

  What were his options? She didn’t seem in a rush to leave. When she did go, would Maria follow her back to Chicago?

  But if Sarah only satisfied that part of Maria that craved a woman, did she mean she still craved a man—him, in particular? She’d damn well better. He wasn’t ready to find a replacement for her. Not yet.

  Maybe he’d simply gotten too accustomed to sharing his bed with the same woman. Had he fallen in that ancient trap of needing a particular woman? It was probably a passing need—like being on a sugar high.

  He’d have to get to the bottom of his conundrum before it undermined his way of life. He’d begin tonight by reclaiming his bed. If its occupants wanted to move on, so be it. It was still his bed.

  - o -

  “What the hell was that about?” Sarah’s voice was filled with rage.

  Maria smiled. “Don’t bust your buns, girl. I only said what I feel. You’re more than enough for me. Should I lie about that?”

  She knew she’d put her finger on one of Sarah’s sore points: integrity.

  “No, of course not.” Sarah brushed her cheek with the back of a hand. “It felt like you were using me to threaten Adam. I don’t want him feeling warm fuzzies for me because you made him do it.”

  “Whoa. This is the guy who had you on such a high pedestal he couldn’t find a ladder tall enough to reach you. And you don’t know Adam very well if you think either one of us could make him do anything.”

  “But he wants to be our third. Didn’t we make that happen?”

  Maria shook her head. “We encouraged him to own his own feelings, his own desires. There’s a difference. A huge difference.”

  “Sometimes that’s difficult to figure.” Sarah pushed her largely uneaten lunch away. “I hope he doesn’t feel like he has no choice.”

  “We all have choices. Remember, that’s the fundamental ground rule to the game we’re playing. Each of us can opt out at any moment. Adam has to be pushed a bit to commit himself to play the game on our terms. For me, that means he has to remain open to options that may never have occurred to him.”

  Maria watched pain and fright compete for Sarah’s attention.

  Sarah wadded her napkin. “Maybe you know some options I’m not even aware of.”

  “That wouldn’t surprise me at all.” Maria rose and began clearing dishes. “But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Do you have film to develop this afternoon?”

  Sarah nodded, chewing on her lower lip.

  “Will you have time for our late afternoon swim?”

  “I don’t think so.” Sarah ran a hand up and down her arm as if fending off a chill and then the corner of her mouth turned up. “Our late morning escapade with Rachel has set me behind schedule.”

  “But that was worth it?”

  “Oh, yes.” Sarah’s mouth turned up into a brilliant smile. “That was memorable. Maybe we finally got Adam’s attention. Do you think Adam will join us this evening?”

  “Oh, you’ve had his attention since that night at the reunion. I’d bet my house we won’t be without male companionship tonight,” Maria grinned, “
if I owned a house.”

  Sarah shook her head and laughed and held her arms out to Maria.

  Maria didn’t hesitate to accept the invitation. She tried not to wince at the pressure of Sarah’s fingernails digging into her back.

  “You are so good for me, Maria. But I don’t know what to do with you. The ride is a fun ride, but like all carnival rides this one will come to an end, too. Won’t it? It has to.”

  Maria slid her lips along Sarah’s exposed neck. “Maybe. Let’s not try to write the ending of our story until we know its entire beginning and middle.” She leaned back and slid her lips across Sarah’s. “Believe me, Pepper, we’ve just begun.”

  Chapter Seven

  Sarah frowned at the closed bedroom door. She peeked over at Maria stretched out on the bed beside her. “Are you sure he’ll come to us tonight?” She couldn’t help asking again. She felt like a teenager waiting for a first date.

  It wasn’t exactly like Adam had set a time and place for being their third, but she’d assumed he’d want to stake out his territory sooner than later.

  That was exactly how she’d experienced his pronouncement. Territory. She was his. Maybe not his property, but at least his territory. He might not own her, but he had a claim to her. Maria could tread on that territory, but no one else could.

  She’d been astounded how easily Maria accepted Adam’s pronouncement forbidding them to take other women to their bed. It was one thing for him to place restrictions on his guest, but to extend those restrictions to Maria, who was accustomed to inviting other women to her love nest whenever she wanted, seemed entirely unreasonable. Was Maria being chastised for getting involved with her? What gave Adam the right to set new restrictions on his long time lover?

  But Maria never flinched. She’d stood up to Adam and stuffed his admonition back in his face. Adam’s questions and demands had only prompted Maria to stake out her own exclusive relationship with Sarah.

  More importantly, how did she, Sarah Atkinson, conservative business woman—make that formerly conservative—feel about being in an exclusive relationship with a woman, with Maria? She watched goose bumps pebble on her arms and hugged herself. That was her answer. Sarah scrunched her shoulders as warmth crept throughout her body.

  Of course their relationship wasn’t exactly exclusive, because there was Adam. At least she hoped there was Adam. Good old reluctant Adam. Would he show? Or would he hop on his motorcycle and speed away, scattering pebbles every which way as he’d done so many times before?

  “He’ll be here.” Maria turned a page in the novel she was reading. “Are you a wee bit nervous?”

  Sarah nodded, clutching her book to her lap. “Maybe I don’t wait so good.”

  “You’ve waited a long time for this. Actually, you’re much more patient than me. And you do look stunning in that green demi top.” Maria reached over to cradle a breast through the soft green silk. “Silk heightens a woman’s sexiness, don’t you think?”

  Sarah covered Maria’s hand and squeezed it. Her breast tingled with anticipation. “Doesn’t leave much to the imagination, particularly when I’m not wearing the matching tap pants.”

  “We’re not going to be big on imagination tonight. You want to cuddle while we wait?” Maria chuckled softly. “That might keep you tethered to the bed, anyway.”

  “Sounds nice.” Sarah fluffed the pillows. Within seconds she was snuggled against Maria’s breasts, whose nipples were barely hidden under a light blue silk gown.

  There was no knock announcing Adam’s entrance. Sarah hadn’t expected one. He marched directly to the foot of the bed and parted his robe. His hard cocked jutted forward. Lust filled his eyes.

  A surge of matching desire sapped Sarah’s strength. His raw sexual passion pleased her immensely. At least anger wasn’t the only emotion they had to contend with.

  She and Maria lay before him. She knew their readiness was more than evident. Although their breasts were partially covered, no fabric hid the nether regions Adam closely examined. Sarah smacked her lips. Her juices already pooled in anticipation. His approving smile expressed his appreciation.

  “Is there something special you’d like, Adam?” Maria bantered.

  Adam shook his head. “No. Why don’t you surprise me? You can be the conductor. That’s a role you seem to have taken to lately.”

  That he so readily gave Maria control in the bedroom surprised Sarah. She’d half expected him to storm the bed in a rage and take them roughly, as if he were a barbarian. So which Adam was this? Not one she was very familiar with.

  “Stand right there, Adam. I have to check to see if our partner is prepared for you.” Maria leaned over and ran her tongue across Sarah’s lips. Sarah darted her tongue out to say hi. Maria smiled, rolled onto her back and spread her thighs. “Watch while Sarah and I prepare ourselves for your hefty cock.”

  Following Maria’s lead, Sarah pulled her green top over her breasts and lifted them for Adam’s inspection. She twisted a raised nipple and was rewarded to see his cock weaving to and fro. “Hefty, hefty,” she teased. Taunting Adam sharpened her senses. Her skin itched for him. His aftershave filled her nostrils. She wanted to touch him. She wanted to taste him.

  Hearing Maria giggle, Sarah saw her skitter a hand across her brown abs to play with her labia. Sarah watched Adam lick his lips, then watched his gaze follow Maria’s hand as she moved it to cover her mound. She worked one finger into her slick vagina and then another. Appearing entranced, Adam encircled his shaft and kept pace with the women. His entire body tensed as if he were about to pounce.

  Maria picked up the pace, closed her eyelids and moaned something in Spanish.

  “Don’t make yourselves come,” Adam snarled. “I want to do that.”

  “And we want you to do that.” Maria scrambled to the edge of the bed. She reached for Adam’s cock and drew him toward her lips. She turned and grinned at Sarah. “Come and join me. We must make sure our man is ready for us.” Maria licked his cock from base to crown.

  Not about to be left out this time, Sarah hurried to join in. She and Maria worked in tandem, traveling his full length, and when they reached the tip of his cock they greeted each other with a wet kiss. Their smiles radiated around his cock.

  She beamed at Maria. Adam was theirs. She wasn’t sure he knew that. But in this moment of desire, she and Maria were claiming Adam for themselves—a man to be loved and to be shared.

  Maria took him in her mouth, made a show of sucking him and then backed off and offered his cock to her. Sarah didn’t hesitate but took him deep. Back and forth they switched off until Adam’s muscles strained toward release. He was close. Maria winked at her and they both left his cock to its own devices.

  “Lie back down on your back, Sarah,” Maria said, retaking the role of conductor. “Spread your pussy lips, dear. We don’t want Adam to miss his target. Not after this long wait.” Maria grabbed Adam’s cock. “Come on, dude. We’ve got a pot of honey for you.” She pouted at Adam. “Actually, two pots.”

  Adam couldn’t conceal a smile. “I count six pots.”

  Kneeling, Maria groaned. “You’ve had two already. You’re about to sample two more. Don’t be greedy. The other two are for another day. Remember, I’m conductor.”

  “How could I forget?” he sighed. “Get on with it.”

  Sarah watched Adam scrunch forward as Maria, kneeling beside them, guided him between Sarah’s wide-spread legs.

  Maria grinned happily. “Sarah, let me reintroduce you to my favorite cock.”

  Sarah nodded as Maria inserted the head of Adam’s cock into her pussy entrance. He shoved forward without finesse.

  “Too long,” he grunted. “Damn, you’re hot. I denied myself too long.”

  “You denied me, too.” Smiling, Sarah raked her fingernails along his back. His nostrils flared. She swallowed an expletive as he seated himself deeper still. Thankfully, her sheath quickly expanded to accommodate him. She wished she could read his mind.
Would he try to pound her into submission?

  He smiled as if he knew her thoughts. “No, I’m not going to play rough. Not tonight. I’m here to give and take pleasure, and that’s all. Sometimes pain and pleasure are inextricably intertwined, but not tonight.” Adam began an easy cadence.

  So sweet. Sarah knew better than to put her thoughts into words. He would be furious. Maria’s fingers tapped a little tune on Sarah’s clit. This wasn’t going to be a marathon. Her orgasm swirled behind her pussy—just out of reach of Adam’s cock. Maria stroked her clit, mimicking Adam’s movements.

  Sarah bit down hard on her lower lip, but there was no stopping the tide that unfurled from overtaking her loins and spreading upward and downward.

  Vaguely, she heard Maria giving Adam instructions. “Don’t come in her. I want you, too. We share you tonight—equally.”

  There was no waiting for Maria, or for Adam, even if she’d wanted to. Sarah couldn’t even wait for herself. She wrapped her legs tight around his butt and lifted her pelvis, meeting him thrust for thrust. She dug her fingernails into his back. She squealed. The tide crested. She mewed. Her legs, like lead weights, dropped to the bed. Waves of loss swept through her when Adam pulled out.

  Through a sated haze she watched him plow into Maria, who was bouncing beneath him like a rag doll and urging him on with epithets she understood without knowing the words. How could the man not have come while inside her? Clearly, he hadn’t.

  She marveled at Adam’s stamina and Maria’s abandon. “What an amazing sight,” she murmured to no one in particular.

  Maria twisted her head to grin at her. “You were, too. If you can move your hand, can you fondle a nipple?” Maria’s head lolled to the side.

  Sarah managed to twirl a nipple between thumb and finger. She pressed a finger against the dark nipple. Quickly lifting her finger, she relished the sight of it springing back to life.

  “Terrific,” Maria gasped. “Look at our man. His chest is so puffed out I think he’s ready to pop.” Maria giggled. “Literally. Don’t come in me, Adam.” She raised her buttocks off the bed offering Adam a deeper angle. “Don’t wait for me,” she said through clenched teeth. “When you’re ready, pull out and spray over both of us. We’re sharing you tonight. That’s how we want you. Don’t we Pepper?”